Term C-section →
TTN; premature, perinatal distress →
CXR Findings in TTN:

CXR Findings in NRDS:

Diagnosis | Transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) | Respiratory distress syndrome | Persistent pulmonary hypertension |
Pathophysiology | Alveolar fluid not cleared properly at birth | Alveolar collapse and atelectasis due to lack of surfactant | Right to left shunting due to high pulmonary vascular resistance resulting in hypoxia |
Clinical features | Tachypnea resolves by day 2 | Respiratory distress (premature birth) | Tachypnea and cyanosis |
Chest x-ray | Perihilar linear streaking bilaterally | Ground glass (reticulogranular), air bronchograms, decreased lung volumes | Clear lung fields, decreased pulmonary vascularity |