uworld 12115 - edu obj - "Palpable breast masses in women age <30 are initially evaluated with ultrasonography due to increased density of breast tissue. Solid or complex-appearing masses may require additional imaging (eg, mammography) or biopsy to exclude malignancy" - other explanations - "In young women, solitary palpable breast masses are often benign (eg, fibroadenoma). Further evaluation depends on patient age and risk factors. In an adolescent with a suspected fibroadenoma, reassurance and reexamination after the next menstrual cycle may be appropriate. However, in an adult with a palpable breast mass (such as this 24-year-old patient), further evaluation with imaging is required, even when a benign condition (eg, fibroadenoma) is on the differential: history and physical examination alone are not sufficient to reliably diagnose or exclude cancer in this population" - "In women age <30, initial assessment of a palpable breast mass includes ultrasound examination of the breast. In this age group, ultrasonography is better able to distinguish between cystic (typically benign) and solid (potentially malignant) masses. If sonographic findings are concerning for malignancy (eg, solid, complex appearing), mammography may then be used as an adjunctive study"