Accepted at 12:32 a.m. Oct, 10, 2023 by Ahmed7
Author: CamP_97
Co-authors: Ahmed7 , Cameron
Related Note: 1585862659838
Rationale for change

Resubmitted with more rationale as requested.

I thought this was a pretty reasonable edit that just helps with understanding why we used these txs for renal artery stenosis. Plenty of other Anking cards do this (Ex. nid: 1434052436196). I make edits like this pretty often (many approved by Ahmed) that aren't necessarily ESSENTIAL but helpful for the sake of understand instead of just memorizing words. Understand > memorization is a major goal of this deck, yes? I don't get a dopamine push by getting my edits approved. Just genuinely thought this was helpful and want to make great edits for all subscribers.

Total respect for your authority as a reviewer but just defending my rationale a little bit more. :)

-Best, CP
Source: AMBOSS -

Extra Extra
What is the treatment for a patient with fibromuscular dysplasia with renal artery stenosis?

{{c1::ACE inhibitors and angioplasty::2}}
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#AK_Step2_v12::#AMBOSS::6zajFM #AK_Step1_v12::#AMBOSS::9naNvO !AK_UpdateTags::Step2decks::MedicalArk #AK_Step1_v12::#AMBOSS::r6afml #AK_Step2_v12::Original_decks::MedicalArk::surg::amboss #AK_Step2_v12::#Subjects::Cardiology::12_Vascular_Pathology::Arteriolosclerosis::Fibromuscular_Dysplasia #AK_Step2_v12::#AMBOSS::DJ01wS #AK_Step1_v12::#OME::04_Organ_Systems::06_Endocrine::02_Adrenal::03_Aldosterone #AK_Step2_v12::!Shelf::Surgery::no_dupes #AK_Step2_v12::#OME::06_Surgery::03_Surgical_Subspecialties::04_Surgical_Hypertension #AK_Step1_v12::#OME::PreClinical::04_Organ_Systems::06_Endocrine::02_Adrenal::03_Aldosterone #AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::IM::ome::endo::adrenals #AK_Step2_v12::#SketchyIM::04_Nephrology_&_Urology::05_Retired_Lessons::02_Chronic_Kidney_Disease_SOAP_[OLD_VERSION] #AK_Step2_v12::#AMBOSS::w40hlT #AK_Original_Decks::Step_2::MedicalArk #AK_Step2_v12::!Shelf::Surgery::no_dupes::only_step2 #AK_Step2_v12::#AMBOSS::C40qlT #AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::Surgery::amboss::medicalark #AK_Step2_v12::Original_decks::Dorian::im::ome::endo::adrenals #AK_Step2_v12::!Shelf::#Cards_AnKing_Did::1surgery