Rejected at 3:36 a.m. Nov, 01, 2023 ] by herstein.jacob
Author: dooshemama
Related Note: 1547242127884
Rationale for change

UWorld states the next step in management after a malignant feauture in a cyst is surgery
Source: UWorld - Step 2 12050

Rejection reason

handling with other suggestion

Text Text
- Biopsy without cyst removal is contraindicated due to risk of seeding; cyst should be surgically removed → subsequent tissue biopsy  

- May also be appropriate to obtain additional imaging (CT abdomen/pelvis, CT chest) to assess for metastatic spread if features of cyst are highly concerning for malignancy

- This card used to say biopsy, however, AMBOSS confirms that surgical evaluation is the best next step (Oct 2023)
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#AK_Step2_v12::#OME::Clinical::05_Obstetrics_and_Gynecology::01_Gynecology::02_Gynecology_Oncology::04_Ovarian_Cancer #AK_Original_Decks::Step_2::Cheesy_Dorian_(M3) #AK_Step2_v12::#Subjects::Obstetrics_&_Gynecology::01_Gynecology::Ovary::Ovarian_Cyst #AK_Step2_v12::!Shelf::ObGyn::no_dupes::only_step2 #AK_Step2_v12::Original_decks::Dorian::obgyn::ome::gyn::ovarian_cancer #AK_Step2_v12::!Shelf::ObGyn::no_dupes #AK_Step2_v12::#B&B::11_Obstetrics_and_Gynecology::02_Gynecology::11_Adnexal_Masses::Extra #AK_Step2_v12::!Shelf::#Cards_AnKing_Did::2obgyn !AK_UpdateTags::Step2decks::Cheesy-Dorian-(M3)::OBGYN::1-OME #AK_Step2_v12::#OME::05_Obstetrics_and_Gynecology::01_Gynecology::02_Gynecology_Oncology::04_Ovarian_Cancer #AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::ObGyn::ome::gyn::ovarian_cancer