For the mention of a cold nodule; cold nodules may be thyroid carcinoma, thyroid lymphoma, or metastatic (rare).
Secondly, I-123 is preferred for the diagnosis of thyroid disorders, not I-131. The AMBOSS article lists only I-123 in reference to radioactive uptake studies. UpToDate mentions I-123 as the preferred isotope for thyroid scintigraphy and radioactive iodine uptake.
Also, "further biopsy" is incorrect as no biopsies would have been done this point in the diagnostic workup. A FNA biopsy may be warranted based on the results of the scan. See above UpToDate link for reference.
Minor proposition: For formatting of isotopes, there are two common formats: the added one is the name or symbol of the particular element, immediately following by a hyphen and the mass number. (