Created at 4:31 p.m. Feb, 01, 2025
Author: jpuria
Related Note: 1521261970600 3
Rationale for change

This new mnemonic is offensive and is unnecessary as the old one was suitable. Please change back to Some Attendings Like Freaking Out Poor Medical Students.

Text Text
Superior thyroid artery
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Lingual artery
Facial artery
Occipital artery
Posterior auricular artery
Maxillary artery
Superficial temporal artery

Photo credit: Mikael Häggström, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Photo credit: OpenStax, CC BY 4.0

- Maxillary artery gives off various branches including MMA, which supplies the dura mater / periosteum sphenopalatine artery (which anastomosis with branches of ophthalmic and facial artery to form Kiesselbachs plexus and also contributes to Woodruffs plexus - cause of posterior nosebleeds)

- The meningeal branch of the ascending pharyngeal artery passes through the foramen lacerum, along with emissary veins

- Facial artery courses over mandible anterior to the insertion of the masseter muscle to supply the oral, nasal, and buccal regions; anterior nosebleeds (in Kiesselbachs plexus) are commonly due to injuries to superior labial artery

-The occipital artery arises opposite the facial artery and courses posteriorly to supply the SCM and posterior scalp

- The superficial temporal artery can characteristically get inflamed in temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis)
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#AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^EXPN::^NBME120 #AK_Step1_v12::#OME::Clinical::Internal_Medicine::Endocrinology::Functional_Thyroid_Diseases #AK_Step1_v12::#Bootcamp::Neurology::21_Aneurysms_and_Intracranial_Hemorrhage::04_Epidural_and_Subdural_Hematoma,_Subarachnoid_Hemorrhage #AK_Other::Card_Features::Mnemonic #PANCE::CARDIO::vascular_disease !AK_UpdateTags::Step1decks::Zanki-Step-Decks::Zanki-Neurology::Neuro-Misc #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^HighYield::5-LowYield #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^EXPN::BGnonessentials #AK_Other::Card_Features::^One_By_One #AK_Original_Decks::Step_1::Zanki_Step_Decks::Zanki_Neurology::Neuro_Misc #AK_Step1_v12::#Bootcamp::Neurology::21_Aneurysms_and_Intracranial_Hemorrhage::02_Circle_of_Willis #PANCE::EOR::IM #AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::Step::1813 #AK_Step2_v12::#SketchySurgery::05_Vascular_Disorders::01_Aorta::04_Carotid_Stenosis #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^EXPN::BGadd #AK_Step1_v12::#SketchyAnatomy::01_Head_&_Neck::03_Vasculature::01_Branches_of_External_Carotid_Artery #AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::COMLEX::24922 #AK_Step1_v12::#NBME::21 #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^EXPN::Uworld #AK_Step1_v12::^Systems::Neuro::BGadds #AK_Step1_v12::#FirstAid::12_Neurology_and_Special_Senses::02_Anatomy_and_Physiology::23_Circle_of_Willis::*Carotid_Artery