Rejected at 1:32 a.m. Nov, 01, 2023 ] by dollajas
Author: Eyad
Related Note: 1472320389702
Rationale for change

first aid page 290, RCA supplies both SA and AV nodes,

Rejection reason

see history of suggestions on this note

Text Text
*This card previously said the AV node is supplied by the posterior descending artery; the AV nodal artery originates from the dominant coronary artery, which is most commonly the RCA (Jan 2024)

Supply of AV node:
Left dominant (5-10%) = left circumflex artery 
Right dominant (70-80%) = right coronary artery

- Infarct may cause nodal dysfunction (bradycardia, heart block)

- In RCA infarct - ischemia causes damaged tissue to depolarize, and because the vagus nerve is close, it is stimulated causing vagus nerve suppression of AV node
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Illustration of the coronary arteries
This image displays the anatomical location of the coronary arteries from a ventral and dorsal view. The left and right coronary arteries arise from the aortic sinus and run along the corresponding coronary sinuses on the caudal side of the heart. The majority of the population have right-dominant coronary artery circulation, with the RCA supplying the interventricular septum (Rr. interventriculares septales) and the AV node (R. nodi atrioventricularis).

Branches of the right coronary artery supply the sinoatrial node, the right atrium and ventricle, the atrioventricular node, approx. ⅓ of the interventricular septum, and a small part of the inferior surface of the left ventricle.
Branches of the left coronary artery supply the left atrium and ventricle, the anterior aspects of both ventricles, the cardiac apex, and ⅔ of the interventricular septum.

Cardiac conduction pathway
The subepicardial sinus node generates electrical impulses, which then travel through the walls of the atria to the subendocardial atrioventricular node. After a short delay in the atrioventricular node, the impulses pass through the bundle of His (situated in the membranous part of interventricular septum) to the Tawara branches. These then terminate in numerous small fibers (Purkinje fibers), which activate the heart muscle cells of the chambers and thus initiate cardiac contraction.


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#AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::Step::11837 #AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::IM::uw::cardio::cardio_dorian #AK_Step1_v12::#Bootcamp::Cardiology::02_Anatomy::07_Coronary_Artery_Anatomy #AK_Step2_v12::#Subjects::Cardiology::02_Coronary_Artery_Disease::MI::Right_Sided_MI #AK_Step1_v12::#FirstAid::07_Cardiovascular::02_Anatomy::01_Heart_anatomy::*Coronary_Blood_Supply #PANCE::CARDIO::conduction_disorders/dysrhythmias #AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::COMLEX::23292 #AK_Step1_v12::#Physeo::11_Pathology::01_Cardiac_Pathology::10_Ischemic_EKG_Changes #AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::Step::19173 #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^HighYield::1-HighYield #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^FA_Updates::FA2018 #AK_Step1_v12::^Systems::Cardio::Anatomy #AK_Step1_v12::#B&B::05_Cardio::01_Anatomy_and_Physiology::01_Cardiac_Anatomy::Extra #AK_Step1_v12::#Physeo::^physeo_image_update !AK_UpdateTags::Step1decks::Zanki-Step-Decks::Zanki-Cardiovascular::Cardio-Physiology+Embryo,Anatomy #AK_Step1_v12::#Bootcamp::Cardiology::16_Conduction_Blocks::02_Bundle_Branch_Blocks #AK_Step1_v12::#Bootcamp::Cardiology::12_Cardiac_Conductive_Physiology::01_Cardiac_Conduction_System #AK_Original_Decks::Step_1::Zanki_Step_Decks::Zanki_Cardiovascular::Cardio_Physiology_+_Embryo,_Anatomy #AK_Step1_v12::#OME::PreClinical::Cardiac::Cardiac_3::Structure_and_Function::Anatomy_of_the_Heart_and_Mediastinum #AK_Step2_v12::#Subjects::Cardiology::10_Arrhythmias::*Basics #PANCE::EOR::IM #AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::COMLEX::26945 #AK_Step1_v12::#Bootcamp::Cardiology::16_Conduction_Blocks::03_Cardiac_Conduction_Blood_Supply #AK_Step1_v12::#Physeo::03_Physiology::02_Cardio::01_Introduction_to_Cardio #AK_Step2_v12::#AMBOSS::SA0yQi #AK_Step2_v12::!Shelf::IM #AK_Step1_v12::#SketchyAnatomy::02_Thorax::02_Heart::02_Coronary_Circulation #AK_Step1_v12::#AMBOSS::SA0yQi #AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::COMLEX::25723 #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^EXPN::BGedit #AK_Step1_v12::^Other::^FA_Updates::FAcardio #AK_Step1_v12::#UWorld::Step::179