This card previously stated that thalassemia minor has "normal RBC count", which is confusingly inconsistent with the answer to cid:1546448337538 which states thalassemia minor has an "increased RBC count", although both are technically not wrong.
The best answer to both cards should be "normal or increased RBC count". This is corroborated by the table in UWorld qid 4875, which lists "normal or increased" as the RBC count for both alpha- and beta- thalassemia.
It appears that this card (and similar ones in the deck) were written based on an old version of the same UWorld table, which lists "normal" instead of "normal or increased". An uncorrected copy of this table can be seen on nid:1556531060120 from the v11 deck.
Additional changes per information in the UWorld table: it is useful to clarify in the extra field that this applies to both alpha- and beta- thalassemia and not just one of them. It is also useful to clarify what exactly is an "important distinguishing factor" from iron deficiency anemia, and that all of them are microcytic.