Created at 3:08 a.m. Sep, 29, 2024
Author: bhchandler97
Related Note: 1561757540129 1
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Kelley's Covariation Model:
- Consensus: extent to which other people behave in the same way in similar situations
- Distinctiveness: extent to which a person behaves in the same way in similar situations
- Consistency: extent to which person behaves the same way every time the same situation occurs

Someone slaps a guy. You need to decide if this is dispositional or situational attribution. 

Would other people slap in this situation?
Is this a one time thing?
Does the person do this a lot?

If the answer is yes, then this action is probably dispositional.
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AnkiHub_ImageReady::Extra AnkiHub_ImageReady::Text #AK_MCAT_v2::#KhanAcademy::Behavioral::Social::Social-Perception AnkiHub_Subdeck::AnKing-MCAT::Behavioral #AK_MCAT_v2::MileDown::Behavioral::Social::Social_Perception #AK_MCAT_v2::#Kaplan::Miledown-Behavioral::Social::Social-Perception !AK_UpdateTags::^temporary::ImageFix_MCAT::18::done