Rejected at 4:18 a.m. Jul, 20, 2024 ] by Brian_BH
Author: adamjay47
Related Note: 1582765634419
Rationale for change

Spelling error

Rejection reason

Uncertain of the desired suggestion, though 'lunge to lung' does not seem relevant to the card in question.

Text Text
Ex. Follow a cohort of middle-aged truck drivers who vary in terms of smoking habits, to test the hypothesis that the 20-year incidence rate of lung cancer (CA) will be highest among heavy smokers, followed by moderate smokers, and then nonsmokers.

TimeOne time pointRetrospectiveRetrospective or prospective
Role of diseasePrevalence of diseaseBegins with itEnds with it
Data analysisChi-squared in order to
get association
Odds ratio in order to assess riskRelative risk to estimate risk
AssessesAssociation of disease and risk factorsMultiple risk factors for single diseaseOne risk factor affecting multiple diseases

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#AK_MCAT_v2::#Kaplan::Miledown_Behavioral::Behavior #AK_MCAT_v2::#KhanAcademy::Behavioral