This card has a severe overlap and needs to be differentiated from Note ID: 1500058119479
First Aid 2023 pg. 115 shows 3 different possible answers to this card, which is mirrored by the note ID linked above. (Do not have access to 2024 version but the Note ID above should be sufficient enough)
"Severe pyogenic infections
early in life; opportunistic
infection with Pneumocystis,
Cryptosporidium, CMV" - pg 115 F.A. 2023
It is impossible to know which of the above answers to use when answering this card without this change.
Already requested a paired deletion of this card with the addition of a cloze to cryptosporidium on the Note ID above, but it was rejected bc it was not practical due to a net loss of 0 cards.
The same nid is listed twice making it impossible to compare this card with what ever other card the user is referring to