This isn't totally right because subendothelial collagen is what primarily activates the extrinsic pathway or tissue factor(factor 3) which then activates factor 7 as stated by bootcamp. The negative charges found on platelets(polyanion surface) is what largely activates factor 12 of the intrinsic pathway.
Aside from Bootcamp, other links that prove this are:
"Factor XII has the unique property to autoactivate on negatively charged surfaces." (Alvin H. Schmaier, in xPharm: The Comprehensive Pharmacology Reference, 2007)
"Factor XII (FXII) is a protease that is mainly produced in the liver and circulates in plasma as a single chain zymogen. Following contact with negatively charged surfaces, FXII is converted into the two-chain active form, FXIIa." (
This change isn’t testable, if you find any supporting data from Amboss, uworld, or fa2023 I can reconsider